Main research projects
- PID2022-141777NB-I00 “Institutional and organizational determinants of entrepreneurship in a digital and sustainable international context” (Spanish Ministry of Science & Innovation)(2023-2026)(PI)
- 2021-SGR-00719 "Entrepreneurship, Management and Performance" (Economy & Knowledge Department-Catalan Government-) (2022-2024) (PI)
- ECO2017-87885-P "Dynamic capabilities and institutions as determinants of international entrepreneurship" (Spanish Ministry of Economy & Competitiveness) (2018-2022) (PI)
- HEU-BOOGIE-U “Boosting Innovation and Entrepreneurship through European Universities” (BOOGIE-U) HEI Initiative: Innovation Capacity Building for Higher Education (2021-2023)
- KA220-HED-E64F250A-17 “Digital skills and cross-domain entrepreneurship for societal challenges” (DIGI-SOC) Erasmus+ (2021-2023)
- 598682-EPP-1-2018-1-AR-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP "Latin Amercian consensus for the internationalisation in postgraduate education" (CONSENS) Erasmus+ (2019-2022) (PI)
- 585739-EPP-1-2017-1-AR-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP "Technology and innovation management" (EULA-GTEC) Erasmus+ (2018-2021) (IP)
- ECO2013-44027-P “Determining factors of international entrepreneurship: institutions, organizational capabilities and networks". (Spanish Ministry of Economy & Competitiveness) (2015-2018) (PI)
- 2014-SGR-1626 "Analyzing organizations" (Economy & Knowledge Department -Catalan Government-) (2015-2018)
- GEM-Spain (Global Entrepreneurship Monitor) (2014-2023)
- Observatory for entrepreneurial universities -Spain (2013-2015)
- PSED-Spain (Panel Study for Entrepreneurial Dynamics) (2014-2018)
- GUESSS-Spain (Global
University Entrepreneurial Spirit Students‘ Survey) (2013-2023) )(PI)
- ECO2010-16760 “Entrepreneurship, internationalization and performance of new ventures (SMEs) in a globalised context” (Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation) (2011-2014)
- SRM/500012375 "Promoting successful graduate entrepreneurship through entrepreneurship education and Start-up support" OECD (2012-2013)
- SEJ2007-60995/ECO “Evaluating organizations: indicators and efficiency” (Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation) (2007-2010)
- 2009SGR0976 "Analizing organizations" (Catalan Government Department for Universities, Research and Information Society) (2009-2013)
- P08-SEJ-03542- "The influence of cultural values and socioeconomic factors on the entrepreneurial intentions: a regional analysis in Spain". (2008-2011)
- 1435-UAB "Performance Evaluation of Organizations" (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona) (2006-2009)
- 2005-SGR-00858 "Analizing organizations" (Catalan Government Department for Universities, Research and Information Society) (2005-2008)
- Observatory for Entrepreneurship in Catalonia (SISDEC) (Department of Industry -Catalan Government-) (2006-2008) )PI)
- EM-2006-16 “Technology-based new firms in rural Catalonia” (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona) (2006-2007)
- SEC2003-04770/ECO “Efficiency, total factor productivity and financial constraints” (Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology) (2003-2006)
- EM-2005-41 “Technology-based entrepreneurship in Catalonia” (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona) (2005-2006) (PI)
- EA2003-0053 “Citaedem. Business Economics Citation Index” (Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport) (2003-2004)
- EA2002-0067 “Citaedem. Business Economics Citation Index” (Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport) (2002-2003)
- OBSEREGIO/SP3.P5 “Observatory for the analysis of the impact of universities on regional development” (European Union, INTERREG IIIA) (2003-2005)
- LUH/acs/1 BRIDGE PROJECT (European Family Business Institute) (2003-2004)
Honors and awards
- Best Paper finalist at the ISBE 2022 conference in York (UK) "Surviving Dominant Digital Platform Ecosystems: Strategies for Small Digital Platform-Dependent Entrepreneurs" (October 2022).
- Best accepted paper at the 82 nd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM) "Knowledge Creation, Knowledge Exploitation, and Employee Venturing Behaviors at the National Level" (August 2022).
- "Stays for Senior Teaching and research staff abroad - 2021" (July 2022).
- Best paper finalist award at the XXXI International ACEDE Conference (ACEDE) "Institutions, destructive entrepreneurship, and regional economic growth" (June 2022).
- Global Strategy Journal Prize Best Paper at the 56th Annual Conference of CLADEA (virtual), “Institutions, dynamic capabilities, and corporate entrepreneurship performance: An analysis in a developing country” (October 2021).
- Best accepted paper at the 81st Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (virtual), "Sizing destructive entrepreneurship: The role of institutions in the regional economic growth process" (August 2021).
- Best accepted paper at the 81st Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (virtual),"Understanding the effects of Venezuelan migration on the entrepreneurial activity in Colombia" (August 2021).
- Best paper selected at the Rent XXXIV (Online), Jose Maria Veciana Award, "Intrapreneurship in developed/ing economies: An institutional perspective”, Naples (November 2020).
- ICREA-Academia award 2018. Generalitat de Catalunya (January 2019).
- Best paper selected in entrepreneurship “Innovation through R&D activities in the European context: Antecedents and consequences”, presented at the XXIX Congreso Nacional de ACEDE, A Coruña (June 2019).
- Best paper selected " Institutional Conditions and Enterprises’ Social Innovations: Insights from a Latin-American Economy", presented at Iberoamerican Academy of Management, New Orleans (December 2017).
- Emerald / Highly
Commended Paper Award 2014, “Organizational resources and intrapreneurial
activities: and international study” (June 2014).
- Best paper selected “Institutional dimensions and
entrepreneurial activity”, presented at the XXI Congreso Nacional de ACEDE,
Barcelona (September 2011).
- Best paper selected at the Technology Transfer
Society (T2S Conference), “Entrepreneurial Universities: A Case Study
Comparison in Two European Regions”, Augsburg (September 2011).
- Emerald /
EFMD Outstanding Doctoral Research Award 2011 for the thesis “Institutions and
entrepreneurial activity: a quantitative analysis” (thesis supervision)
(December 2011).
- Best paper “Environmental conditions and
entrepreneurial activity: An institutional approach” (Entorno e iniciativa
emprendedora: una perspectiva institucional), presented at the “I Jornadas de
Investigación sobre la pequeña y mediana empresa e iniciativa empresarial”.
Universidad Carlos III. Madrid (December 2009).
- Best paper award in entrepreneurship “The impact of
desirability and feasibility on entrepreurial intentions. A
structural equation model” presented at the XVI Congreso Nacional de ACEDE,
Valencia (September 2006).
- Best paper award “The born-global phenomenon: a multiple case study
research", presented at CIMAR 2005, Barcelona (June 2005).
- Doctoral Thesis
nominated to ECIU young researcher
prize 2004, University of Dortmund (September 2004).
- Best paper selected at the Rent XVI "Support measures for new business creation: a comparative
empirical study between rural and urban areas in Catalonia", Barcelona
(November 2002).
- Young researchers award “University
attitudes towards entrepreneurship: a two countries comparison” presented at
the "Entrepreneurship summit 2000", San Juan de Puerto Rico (January
“Creativity requires the courage to let go of certainties” ERICH FROMM
"Logic will get you from A to B, but imagination will take you everywhere" ALBERT EINSTEIN
"A black cat crossing your path signifies that the animal is going somewhere" GROUCHO MARX